Citymeals staff with their delivery van.

When the unexpected happens, Citymeals is ready. As a designated emergency responder, we’re there for New York City’s most vulnerable population — the homebound elderly.

We've supported older New Yorkers in times of crisis, large and small — from localized power outages to the sustained food crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have meals ready to be delivered at a moment's notice.

Citymeals' Emergency Food Packages containing pantry staples.

Our agile emergency response is also about prevention. That’s why, several times a year, our warehouse buzzes with activity as staff assemble Emergency Food Packages (EFPs) for our meal recipients. Delivered seasonally ahead of inclement weather, like winter storms and summer heat waves, each EFP contains several meals and additional items, like tuna, organic brown rice and vegetables, as well as special treats like hot chocolate and low-sugar cookies.

EFPs are a lifeline for our isolated older neighbors, ensuring their kitchen cabinets are well-stocked if our regular meal deliveries are delayed and extreme conditions keep them in their homes. During the coldest months — November through March — we also deliver a Storm Box, which includes an additional meal.