What We Deliver

Citymeals on Wheels provides a continuous lifeline of nourishing meals and vital companionship to nearly 22,000 of our homebound elderly neighbors. Since 1981, we've delivered 70 million meals to older New Yorkers in need. We're committed to ending elder hunger in New York City by 2040. 

Meal Programs

Weekend, holiday and emergency meals for vulnerable older New Yorkers.

Weekend Meals

Home-delivered meals for Saturdays and Sundays.
More about weekend meals

Holiday Meals

Festive meals for major holidays.
How Citymeals celebrates

Holiday Boxes

Special meals delivered ahead of major holidays.
More about holiday boxes

Emergency Meals

Meals for localized emergencies.
How Citymeals helps

Emergency Food Packages

Ensuring recipients have food on hand in case of extreme weather.
Emergency Package details

Mobile Food Pantry

Supplemental food delivered to those most at risk of malnutrition.
More about Mobile Food Pantry

Volunteer Programs

Citymeals offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to support homebound elderly New Yorkers.
Sign up today to help end elder hunger in New York City. 

Meal Delivery

Delivering meals on foot and by car from local older adult centers.

Social Calls

Reaching out to isolated elderly New Yorkers over the phone for a weekly chat. 

 MEAL Packing

Assembling food packages at Citymeals Distribution Center in the Bronx.

Handmade Cards

Crafting cards for our meal recipients for holidays, birthdays and special occasions.

Aging INitiatives 

Citymeals also provides support to older New Yorkers through special initiatives, trainings and advocacy work. 

Elder Abuse & Alzheimer’s Disease Training

Educating Citymeals staff and volunteers to better support our meal recipients. 
About our trainings

See our work in action