Burnt Heirloom Tomato, Arugula Juice and Crystalized Orange Peels
From Chef Gabriel Kreuther:
Photo Credit: Gabriel Kreuther
Recipe Serves: 4
A Note from Chef Kreuther
This recipe is a great way to highlight the complexity of a simple ingredient, such as a great tomato. Burnt on one side and raw on the other, this dish is full of flavor. The crystalized orange peels are a reminder that the tomato is more a fruit than a vegetable, and the garlic brings us back the other way. It’s the perfect way to end the summer.
2 large ripe heirloom tomatoes
8 basil leaves, chopped
4 tablespoons olive oil, plus more to taste
1 small bunch arugula
3 tablespoons brown sugar, plus more to taste
3 ounces of grated Comte or Parmesan cheese
1 ounce of crystalized orange peels cut into small strips
Pinch of garlic or ajo blanco (white garlic) [optional]
4 tablespoons aged sherry or balsamic vinegar
4 slices baguette bread, toasted
Fleur de sel
Cracked black pepper
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Wash the tomatoes and pat dry. With a sharp knife, trim off the bottoms of the tomatoes so they can sit flat and sturdy on the counter. Cut 1-inch thick slices horizontally across each tomato. Carefully place the slices onto paper towels.
Chop the leftover tomato trimmings and place them into a bowl. Season with salt, pepper and basil, mixing in a little olive oil. Reserve until further use.
Juice the arugula. Place 8 tablespoons of the juice into a bowl and season with a pinch of brown sugar, salt and pepper. Whisk very well to dissolve the sugar and salt. Add 4 tablespoons olive oil and reserve in the fridge.
Spread the cheese onto a cookie sheet. Bake in the oven until golden brown, about 4-5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. Break the crisps into bite-sized pieces.
Place a roasting pan over high heat and add some olive oil. Take each tomato slice and cover it lightly with brown sugar on one side. Roast the tomatoes in the hot pan until they get a dark burnt color. Take them out and let them rest on the uncooked side. When each slice is done, season with fleur de sel, black pepper, orange peel, small cheese crisp pieces, small basil leaves and a pinch of garlic or ajo blanco (optional).
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